Promoting education in Central Africa
Since 2011, Alland & Robert has supported the BATALI association in working to provide education for children in Central Africa.
Batali works in several developing countries, with a focus on Central Africa, where French is one of the two official languages. Central Africa is one of the poorest countries in the world.
BATALI works on educational projects in order to allow children to go to school and receive a proper education. Actions of BATALI include more specifically:
Building schools and providing school supplies
The association has built several primary schools in small villages, which now welcome several hundreds of children who did not go to school. BATALI is highly concerned about the sustainability of their action. They seek to empower and involve local people in different projects so that schools have maximum autonomy. For example, parents participate to scholar fees, even very modestly, in order to help pay for school teachers.
The association provides educational materials (books, pencils, pens, …) necessary to student learning. These school materials for teachers and pupils are very important, because the books provided by BATALI are often the only books available to students, as there are no library in the villages.
Training teachers in Central African Republic.
The instruction is in French and follows the curriculum of the French system. The additional training provided by BATALI is mainly focused on building knowledge in mathematics, French, geography and natural sciences.
Bringing assistance to local populations
BATALI provides clothing for the most disadvantaged populations and in particular the pygmy people, and delivers medicine to some clinics when possible.

Assistanceto children in Mali and Niger
Since 2013, Alland & Robert is a partner of SOS Villages d’enfants, an international association...
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