Research & Development
A dedicated team
Alland & Robert Research Center is based in Normandy, France. Our team works on developping, testing and enhancing products to meet our customers expectations. A team of 7 persons, including one specialist of microbiology and one specialist of emulsions, is fully dedicated to Research & Development in order to keep innovating.
The Alland & Robert Research Center conducts practically oriented studies dedicated to customers and develop new applications. We believe that today’s knowledge provides the foundation for future innovation. We aim at supporting our clients while providing the most natural, safe and environmental friendly products to end-customers.
Since 2018, Alland & Robert has opened a new Technological Platform for application research and customer training.

High Technology Equipment
Alland & Robert’s laboratory regularly acquires the latest equipment in order to be on top of the research possibilities. Recent acquisitions include for example a Texturometer, Size Exclusion Chromatography / quadruple detection (Multi-Angle Laser Light Scattering-UV-RI-visco) equipment.
This equipment is necessary to study and characterize polymer. It measures the molecular volume and shape function as defined by the intrinsic viscosity.

Partnerships with universities
Alland & Robert has developped close partnerships with various internationally recognized universities. Alland & Robert develops R&D programs in order to acquire the best knowledge of gum, with the support of Ph.D students, master trainees and up-to-date research teams.
Alland & Robert has a strong partnership with IATE (University of Montpellier, France), an international laboratory renowned for their knowledge and expertise about acacia gum.