Assistance to children in Mali and Niger
Since 2013, Alland & Robert is a partner of SOS Villages d’enfants, an international association whose mission is to offer “a shared childhood for brothers and sisters from the same family”.

SOS Villages d’Enfants is an international NGO whose mission is the defense of the right of children to live with families. The main objective of the NGO is to allow siblings to experience their childhood together, and to help children in distress. Beyond the many programs and structures that SOS Villages d’Enfants sets up for its beneficiaries, the NGO contributes to better recognition and promotion of children’s rights, in particular through advocacy actions with international organizations.
In Mali, support children education
Alland & Robert has participated to the building and opening of a school for the children in the village of Khouloum in Mali.
Khouloum is located in the Kayes region where the standard of living is very low and immigration is strong towards the neighboring countries. The region ranks second in the world in terms of harmful traditional practices such as early marriage and excision. The school enrollment rate is low (35%), especially for girls. Two third of the children do not reach the college.
School infrastructure in this area of Mali is insufficient, classes are overcrowded (110 students per class on average), far away from the villages and in poor condition. School equipment and supplies are outdated and the quality of education is flawed. This is why SOS Villages d’enfants decided to build a school, open for the children living in the children village and the communities around. The school opened in 2018. About 315 children are now divided in 9 classrooms. The school includeq a computer room, a library, a teacher room, a sports area, a borehole with water tower and toilets,
This project is creating more than 15 jobs in the area, including 11 teachers positions, only for local people. All surrounding communities have access to drinkable water and infrastructures. Trees grow all over the school site to bring shade, as the temperatures can sometimes rise up to 48°C.

In Niger, help children without family support
In Niamey, Alland & Robert support a NGO village that welcomes 118 children without parental support or orphans. It includes a kindergarten which benefits 122 children between the ages of 2 and 6, and a primary and secondary school which allows 453 children to benefit from quality education. It also houses a Youth Support Center, which allows 70 young people between the ages of 16 and 25 to be accompanied to succeed in their social integration.
A Family Strengthening Program (PRF) is also implemented in Niamey to support the most vulnerable families in the community. Accompanied families benefit from a strengthening of their parental capacity, assistance in improving their income, material aid to ensure their access to essential services: access to health, schooling of children and aid to education. insertion of young people, help with access to rights… It thus benefits 700 families, who are supported over an average of 3 years.
Helpingcommunities in Sudan
Since 2014, Alland & Robert has been involved in the El Humera Project, to help local populations in the Sahel...
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